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-Fall 2017 -Arch401

-Restoration Project along with Historical Walls descend from Rome Empire and along with 2 desolated factory buildings and a gigantic gasometer.

-What is a destructive or respectful relation between historical buildings and new ones which functions as social center?


-Advisors: Kutay Karabağ            

                    Vehbi İnan

 -Grade: B

1/1000 Silhouette Section

"I like ruins because what remains is not the total design, but the clarity of thought, the naked structure, the spirit of the thing." -Tadao Ando

      The main purpose of the renovation project; located in Istanbul, Fatih, Yedikule and proposed for desolated Gazworks Factory; is to bring the use of factory buildings with district. Site was isolated due to the elevation difference with Kennedy Avenue and to the fact that TCDD railways cuts connection to the fill area from the Historical Peninsula. With urban analysis, it was understood that disconnection also includes Ramparts of Istanbul and market gardens which are unable to exceed the railways like other subspaces of district. The critical point of site location is  to connect Peninsula.

      First urban decision is to move the urban continuity towards Marmara  via filling area. Undoubtedly, decision’s crucial reference is the relationship between the Ramparts and market gardens.

      In the proposal; Rampart’s “new” extensions reflecting today’s technology and context , are planned to produce new agricultural land. The tension of typological contrast between old and new is the essence of the project. The rhythm of the heights varying from human to gasometer scale -creating multivariate perception in human scale- derives from existing factory ruins.

      New wall will be able to transform desolated places to the subspaces of the market gardens; to organize local’s main livelihood source, agriculture.

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